Healthcare IT Today - (Monday January 23, 2023)
Healthcare IT Today/ Podcasts For the 106th episode of the Healthcare IT Podcast, we are discussing the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)! First we analyze what IoMT makes us think of and what it includes. Then, we share what devices we’re excited to see come out. Next, we take a look at what the recent explosion of IoMT means for healthcare organizations. And lastly, we debate on the impact IoMT has on security and privacy.
Here’s a preview of the questions and topics we discuss in this episode: What do you think of when you see the term IoMT?
Are there devices or categories of devices that you…
Malaffi - (Thursday January 19, 2023)
AI/ Malaffi/ Videos New feature alert! 🔔 We are excited to announce that a Patient Risk Profile functionality is now available in the #Malaffi Provider Portal, enabling #AbuDhabidoctors to assess the future #risk of patients developing certain illnesses. Based on past and current medical records, by utilising advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to build #predictivemodels, the functionality predicts the likelihood of certain chronic conditions such as diabetes or acute events such as stroke, giving physicians the upper hand in providing #preventive treatments over cures.#HIE #MalaffiHealthPortal #HealthInformationExchange #InAbuDhabi… |
Malaffi - (Thursday January 19, 2023)
Malaffi/ Videos Dr. Ibtihag Nageeb, Medical Practitioner, Health Plus Fertility Center, highlights how any successful treatment plan should include the full participation of the patient, which is why #Malaffi’s Health Portal gives patients the unique opportunity to understand and manage their health for better outcomes.تتحدث الدكتورة ابتهاج نجيب، طبيبة عامة في مركز هيلث بلاس للإخصاب، عن أهمية مشاركة المريض بشكل كامل في الخطة العلاجية لتعزيز فرص نجاح العلاج. وتأكيداً على ذلك، تمنح بوابة #ملفي الصحية المرضى فرصة فريدة لفهم وإدارة حالتهم الصحية لضمان تحقيق نتائج أفضل.#HIE #MalaffiHealthPortal #HealthInformationExchange #InAbuDhabi#تبادل_المعلومات_الصحية #بوابة_ملفي_الصحية #في_أبوظبي…
Malaffi - (Thursday January 19, 2023)
Malaffi/ Videos Dr. Ibtihag Nageeb, Medical Practitioner, Health Plus Fertility Clinic, explains how #Malaffi helps her quickly understand the patients' medical history, allowing her to make better informed clinical decisions and recommend the right path for fertility treatment.تشرح الدكتورة ابتهاج نجيب، طبيبة عامة في مركز هيلث بلاس للإخصاب، كيف تساهم منصة #ملفي للأطباء معرفة التاريخ الطبي للمرضى بسهولة وسرعة، مما يُمكّنهم من اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة وأكثر دقة ووضع خطط العلاج المناسبة للحالات المرتبطة بالإخصاب. #تبادل_المعلومات_الصحية#HIE #MalaffiHealthPortal #HealthInformationExchange #InAbuDhabi#تبادل_المعلومات_الصحية #بوابة_ملفي_الصحية #في_أبوظبي… |
Malaffi - (Thursday January 19, 2023)
Malaffi/ Videos Understanding today's medical jargon can be a challenge so we decided to see if some of #AbuDhabi's future leaders could get to grips with what a #HealthInformationExchange actually is. Enjoy! قد يكون فهم المصطلحات الطبيّة أمراً صعباً. لذلك قرّرنا سؤال مجموعة من الأطفال في إمارة #أبوظبي عن معنى #تبادل_المعلومات_الصحية، وشرح ذلك لهم! تابعوا هذا الفيديو من منصّة #ملفّي لمشاهدة بعض من إجابات روّاد المستقبل!#HIE #MalaffiHealthPortal #HealthInformationExchange #inabudhabi #تبادل_المعلومات_الصحية #بوابة_ملفي_الصحية #في_أبوظبي…
The Healthcare Guys - (Wednesday January 18, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ The Healthcare Guys Healthcare is an ever-evolving industry, and as we move into 2023, there are a number of challenges are expected to arise.
The economy is already headed toward recession, and experts have made it quite clear that this year will be the most difficult one for the global economy.
Image credit: BBC
Inflation in the US is already touching its highest pick ever and Eventually, this will have an impact on the healthcare sector as well. Since healthcare is one of the major economic contributors.
Therefore, it is clear that healthcare would experience some significant difficulties in 2023.
However, healthcare providers must be ready… |
EMed HealthTech - (Wednesday January 18, 2023)
EMED HealthTech/ Videos The software built for patients and general users is designed to solve one or the other health issue, monitor health, etc. This #software allows #patients to seek #medical attention if needed. Here are some of the 6 different types of custom software developed for patients:- #Healthcare accessibility software- #Mental #Health Software-…
The Healthcare Guys - (Tuesday January 17, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ The Healthcare Guys In the medical field, there is a never-ending list of tools and technologies that can help to make your practice more successful. From patient care and record-keeping to medical imaging, many tools are available to help streamline your practice and provide better care for your patients.
However, knowing which tools will work best for you can be challenging and how to implement them effectively into your workflow can be difficult. This blog post will discuss the must-have tech tools for a successful medical practice.
These tools are designed to help increase efficiency and productivity in any healthcare organization. CRO (Contract Research… |
EMed HealthTech - (Monday January 16, 2023)
EMED HealthTech/ Videos Digital marketing gives you a competitive edge over your rivals in all the industry including healthcare.Here are the 6 benefits of healthcare digital marketing:- Increases traffic to your website.- Opens up new opportunities to engage with your existing and potential clients.- Allows you to target the right audience based on their…
EMed HealthTech - (Monday January 16, 2023)
EMED HealthTech/ Videos Digital marketing of healthcare platforms can be of many times. And it is necessary to choose the method that works for you. For that, you need to have a clear understanding of your patients or buyers and design your marketing #campaign accordingly.Find the 6 ways of healthcare digital marketing services:- Search… |