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Healthcare Can’t Let the Shortcomings of Existing Tech Systems Hurt Patients

MedCity News - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Frequent Updates / MedCity News

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Telehealth Startup OpenLoop Raises $15 Million to Streamline Virtual Care Delivery

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / Healthcare IT Today

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Going international: How DigitalHealth.London Accelerator companies have expanded overseas

DigitalHealth.London - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / DigitalHealth.London

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Sam Shear, Yes Hearing, on innovating & scaling a novel model of at-home hearing health

The Pulse by Wharton Digital Health - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Health+Tech / Podcasts / The Pulse

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Social Discrimination Affects Health and Outcomes in Frailty

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / DistilINFO Hospital IT

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Partnership between OH HIE prioritizes care coordination and interoperability

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / DistilINFO Hospital IT / HIMSS

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From ViVE and CHIME with Dr. Jayne 3/27/23

HIStalk - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / HIStalk

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Nuance launches automated AI-powered clinical documentation

Digital Health - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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How the Cloud Improves Clinical Care, Healthcare Operations

EHR Intelligence - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Daily Reads / EHR Intelligence

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The Royal Marsden goes live with new Epic EPR ‘Connect’

Digital Health - (Monday March 27, 2023) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.