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3 Care Orgs Tap EHR Implementations for Clinical Workflow Optimization

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Daily Reads / DistilINFO Hospital IT

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Readers Write: Faster Horses? Let’s Think Different

HIStalk - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Daily Reads / HIStalk

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Acoustic Stimulation for Insomnia

Medgadget - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Daily Reads / Medgadget

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Self-Assembling Peptides as a Bioink

Medgadget - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Daily Reads / Medgadget

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KLAS: What Impact Do Automated Prior Authorization Solutions Provide?

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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Hurdle, CloudLIMS Partner to Augment Diagnostic Lab Capabilities

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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RTLS Can Enhance the Patient Experience, Staff Safety, and Workflow Operations in 2023

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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Several Louisiana hospitals face online tracking lawsuits

Healthcare IT news - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / Healthcare IT News

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Healthcare and Gen X: 4 Things Marketers Need to Get Right

MedCity News - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / MedCity News

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Why healthcare leaders should embrace home-based technologies

Healthcare IT news - (Wednesday February 15, 2023) - Frequent Updates / Healthcare IT News

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I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.