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Identifying Parkinson’s disease and its stages using static standing balance

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 30, 2024) - AI / Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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Establishing responsible use of AI guidelines: a comprehensive case study for healthcare institutions

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 30, 2024) - AI / Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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Phenotyping people with a history of injecting drug use within electronic medical records using an interactive machine learning approach

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 30, 2024) - AI / Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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Auxiliary Diagnosis of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Using Eye-Tracking and Digital Biomarkers: Case-Control Study

JMIR mHealth and uHealth - (Saturday November 30, 2024) - Frequent Updates / JMIR mHealth and uHealth

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Revolutionizing Clinical Trials with AI and Pharmacists. Digital Health Interview with Gerald Finken

BeKey - (Friday November 29, 2024) - BeKey / Videos

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3D Printing Improves Surgical Accuracy and Safety One Layer at a Time

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday November 29, 2024) - Healthcare IT Today / Videos

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Evaluating the Impact of a Daylight-Simulating Luminaire on Mood, Agitation, Rest-Activity Patterns, and Social Well-Being Parameters in a Care Home for People With Dementia: Cohort Study

JMIR mHealth and uHealth - (Friday November 29, 2024) - Frequent Updates / JMIR mHealth and uHealth

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A machine-learned model for predicting weight loss success using weight change features early in treatment

npj Digital Medicine - (Friday November 29, 2024) - Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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AI tool offers insights to improve safety in maternity care

Digital Health - (Friday November 29, 2024) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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Heim Health raises £2.2m to deliver community-based care

Digital Health - (Friday November 29, 2024) - AI / Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.