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Henrietta Hughes to keynote on Patient Engagement Stage at Rewired

Digital Health - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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Qventus Launches AI-Powered Perioperative Care Coordination Solution

HIT Consultant - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - AI / Digital Health / Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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12 Launchpad companies announce their pioneering solutions for healthcare – DigitalHealth.London

DigitalHealth.London - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Daily Reads / DigitalHealth.London

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EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 1/30/25 – HIStalk

HIStalk - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Daily Reads / HIStalk

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NHSE awards NHS App contract worth £37.5m to BJSS

Digital Health - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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England’s Patient Safety Commissioner confirmed as keynote

Digital Health - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Daily Reads / Digital Health

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Braingaze Launches BGaze Focus: sign up as an exclusive beta tester to gain early access – DigitalHealth.London

DigitalHealth.London - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Daily Reads / DigitalHealth.London

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Patients must help design digital services, says The King’s Fund

Digital Health - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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Revolutionary Mammogram Technology Debuts in Iowa Healthcare

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - Daily Reads / DistilINFO Hospital IT

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AI Eye Scans Revolutionize Early Dementia Detection

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Thursday January 30, 2025) - AI / Daily Reads / DistilINFO Hospital IT

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Good Image size 1500 x 1000
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I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.