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Aligned Marketplace Secures $3M for Advanced Primary Care

HIT Consultant - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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The Key to Unlocking Community Health – HIStalk

HIStalk - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Daily Reads / HIStalk

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Mount Sinai Performs NYC’s First Enlarged Prostate Procedure with HYDROS™ Robotic System

HIT Consultant - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Frequent Updates / HIT Consultant

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Scotland’s ‘Digital Front Door’ to launch this year, says first minister

Digital Health - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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How MetroHealth broke free of its imaging data silos

Healthcare IT news - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Frequent Updates / Healthcare IT News

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Digital staff vacancies at Wirral ‘impacted significantly’ on capacity

Digital Health - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Digital Health / Frequent Updates

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A scoping review of privacy and utility metrics in medical synthetic data

npj Digital Medicine - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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A systematic review of passive data for remote monitoring in psychosis and schizophrenia

npj Digital Medicine - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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Pitchfest finalist Surgery Hero acquired by Sword Health

Digital Health - (Monday January 27, 2025) - Daily Reads / Digital Health

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AI driven decision support reduces antibiotic mismatches and inappropriate use in outpatient urinary tract infections

npj Digital Medicine - (Monday January 27, 2025) - AI / Frequent Updates / npj Digital Medicine

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I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.