

VA, VHA, Verizon partner to increase rural veterans’ telehealth access

Healthcare IT news - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ Healthcare IT News

To help conquer the digital divide preventing rural veterans from accessing the range of health and wellness benefits they are eligible for, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is offering new access to telehealth…

Effective Epic Application Management and Epic Go-Live | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

While many in the industry are ready to move past the EHR, the reality for health IT leaders is that the EHR still takes up a large portion of their mindshare and has some…

Emory University to launch Empathetic AI for Health Institute

Healthcare IT news - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ Healthcare IT News

Emory University is focused on new ways artificial intelligence can be harnessed in healthcare – not just to improve care delivery but to expand access and equity for patients across populations.WHY IT MATTERSWith the…

56% of Americans Concerned About Contracting an Infectious Disease from a Hospital

HIT Consultant - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ HIT Consultant

What You Should Know:

New survey findings released today by Kinnos show that the risk of becoming infected by visiting or staying in a hospital weighs heavily on the minds of Americans.The findings, which arrive on the…

Effective Epic Application Management and Epic Go-Live

Healthcare IT Today - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Healthcare IT Today/ Videos

To learn more about how Adventist Health is working with HCTec to handle application management of their Epic EHR and a recent Epic EHR Go-Live, we sat down with Jennifer Stemmler, Chief Digital and…

EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 11/9/23 – HIStalk

HIStalk - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Daily Reads/ HIStalk

Several readers messaged me trying to get my thoughts on exactly which companies I think might be “in bad shape” following my recent discussion of the Olive shutdown.
The short answer is that a…

Designing a Mobile e-Coaching App for Immigrant Informal Caregivers: Qualitative Study Using the Persuasive System Design Model

JMIR mHealth and uHealth - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Background: Informal caregivers are vital in caring for their family and friends at home who may have illnesses or disabilities. In particular, the demands for caregiving can be even more challenging for those with…

Use of e-Cigarettes in Cigarette Smoking Cessation: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

JMIR mHealth and uHealth - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Background: Many adults use e-cigarettes to help them quit cigarette smoking. However, the impact of self-selected use of e-cigarettes on cigarette smoking cessation, particularly when concurrently receiving app-based behavioral interventions, remains unexplored. Objective: This…

American Telemedicine Association Leaps Into Privacy and AI Policies | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

The computerization of daily life has evolved from a set of technical decisions to a matter of urgent public policy over the past few decades. The American Telemedicine Association (ATA) recently released two sets…

RPM Improves Hypertension Outcomes but Drives Up Costs

mHealth Intelligence - (Thursday November 9, 2023)
Daily Reads/ mHealth Intelligence

By Anuja Vaidya

November 09, 2023 – While remote patient monitoring (RPM) helped improve outcomes for Medicare patients with hypertension, it increased outpatient visits and net healthcare spending, according to a new study.

Published in the Annals…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.