

VR mental health platform XRHealth blasts off with NASA

MobiHealthNews - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ MobiHealthNews

Virtual reality-based mental health company XRHealth revealed plans to send a VR headset to space for mental health treatment during an upcoming space mission launching on November 7.In collaboration with Nord-Space Aps and HTC…

HIStalk Interviews Jeff Smith, CEO, Bamboo Health – HIStalk

HIStalk - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Daily Reads/ HIStalk

Jeff Smith, MBA, MIB is CEO of Bamboo Health of Louisville, KY.

Tell me about yourself and the company.
I have successfully led multiple startups to market-leading companies that have served payers, pharmacists,…

CIO Podcast – Episode 63: Patient Messaging with CT Lin, MD | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday November 6, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

For the 63rd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by CT Lin, MD, CMIO at UCHealth-Colorado to talk about patient messaging. To kick off the episode we…

Cleveland Clinic makes quantum computing available to startups

Healthcare IT news - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ Healthcare IT News

With a new accelerator program offered by Cleveland Clinic, early- and growth-stage healthcare innovation companies could gain access to the massively powerful data and analytics insights promised by its new quantum computer, billed as…

CIO Podcast – Episode 63: Patient Messaging with CT Lin, MD

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Healthcare IT Today/ Videos

For the 63rd episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we are joined by CT Lin, MD, CMIO at UCHealth-Colorado to talk about patient messaging. To kick off the episode we…

Surescripts Acquires Health IT Vendor to Advance ePrescribing HIE

EHR Intelligence - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Daily Reads/ EHR Intelligence

By Hannah Nelson

November 06, 2023 – Surescripts, a health information exchange (HIE) network, has acquired ActiveRADAR, a health IT vendor that identifies therapeutic alternatives for prescriptions.
Surescripts health information network connects more than two million healthcare…

Healthcare Interoperability is Falling Short. How Do We Address It? | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

The following is a guest article by A. John Blair, III, MD, CEO at MedAllies
It’s been well-documented for years that the healthcare industry has an interoperability problem. 
Frequently fragmented and incomplete patient records may lead…

Ontario MD Aidan Lee Matt Leduc HITT Video

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Healthcare IT Today/ Videos

Two OntarioMD directors shed light on the evolving landscape of EMRs and the state of interoperability. Their unique perspective as key figures in Ontario's healthcare technology field offers valuable insights into the trends and…

PicnicHealth Acquires AllStripes, Fortifying its Role as the Leader in Patient-Centered Healthcare Evidence Generation | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

PicnicHealth, a patient-centered healthcare evidence generation company, today announced the acquisition of AllStripes, a platform dedicated to generating evidence about the rare disease community. This strategic consolidation establishes PicnicHealth as the leading patient-centric evidence-generation…

VA Challenges Innovators with $1M AI Burnout Solution

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday November 6, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

The Veterans Affairs Department launches a million-dollar AI challenge to devise data management and clinical practice enhancements for reducing clinician burnout, inviting innovators to collaborate in a tech sprint for improved healthcare delivery to…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.