

41% of IT Decision Markers Back Passwordless Authentication for Stronger Identity Security

Health IT Security - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Health IT Security

By Sarai Rodriguez

May 08, 2023 – Rising password breaches accelerate the adoption of password-less authentication methods such as biometrics, passkeys, and security keys as 41 percent of IT decision-makers accredited these practices to better identity…

Algorithm Harmonizes EHR Data into ‘Macrovisits’ for Clinical Research

EHR Intelligence - (Monday May 8, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ EHR Intelligence

By Hannah Nelson

May 08, 2023 – Encounters are a heterogeneous component of EHR data, limiting the full potential of leveraging real-world data for clinical research, according to a study published in JAMIA.
Researchers demonstrated the successful…

Senators Want Telehealth Flexibilities for OUD Drug Permanently Extended

mHealth Intelligence - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ mHealth Intelligence

By Mark Melchionna

May 08, 2023 – Led by Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a group of US senators have urged the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to permanently establish telehealth flexibilities in prescribing buprenorphine for opioid…

Tegria Acquires MEDITECH Hosting and Services Firm Sisu Healthcare IT Solutions

Healthcare IT Today - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Tegria, a leading healthcare consulting and technology services company, today announced the acquisition of Sisu Healthcare IT Solutions, a highly regarded MEDITECH certified hosting and services firm headquartered near Duluth, Minn.
With the addition of…

Report Reveals Providers Key to Virtual Care Adoption

HIT Consultant - (Monday May 8, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ HIT Consultant

What You Should Know:A new report released by TytoCare, a virtual care company enabling accessible, high-quality primary care from home, revealed insights into how health plans and organizations can drive virtual care engagement.While key elements…

Thanking the Unsung Heroes of Healthcare on National Hospital and Nurses Week

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week provide opportunities to appreciate healthcare workers who go above and beyond in providing essential services to communities. The American Hospital Association is leading a recognition initiative to…

Digital Health Adoption: What Providers Require – Q&A

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

According to a digital health trends report by Simon-Kucher, healthcare providers remain cautious about adopting digital health products, despite a positive trend in the use of digital health solutions. Concerns about product effectiveness, compliance…

HIMSS23: The Need for Automation and Technology to Improve Access to Care

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

According to Rich Birhanzel, Senior Managing Director at Accenture, the lack of patient access caused by the shortage of doctors and nurses is a global issue that only is resolved through technology. At HIMSS23,…

Fraud in Electronic Medical Records

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

Electronic medical record (EMR) fraud is a significant problem that costs taxpayers millions of dollars and compromises patient care. EMR software was designed to streamline patient record storage and increase diagnosis accuracy, but instead…

Tracking Changes in State Medicaid Enrollment During Redeterminations with a Tool

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Monday May 8, 2023)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

The Kaiser Family Foundation has created a new tool to track changes in Medicaid enrollment during redeterminations following the end of the COVID-19 pandemic’s continuous enrollment requirement. Arizona has been the only state to…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.