

HIPAA and Machine Learning at Loyal

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday February 24, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Deep learning traditionally involves funneling huge data sets into layers of software to produce actionable insights. But when strict privacy requirements control what can appear in the output, machine learning methods have to change.

VGM increases revenue with better data for business intelligence

Healthcare IT news - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ Healthcare IT News

VGM & Associates, a massive service organization for post-acute healthcare, serves thousands of different providers of all different sizes, from single independent practices to large regional and national chains.THE PROBLEM
When challenged to offer them…

Q&A: Why clinician engagement is key for success with healthcare AI

MobiHealthNews - (Friday February 24, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ MobiHealthNews

Earlier this month, the newly spun-off GE HealthCare revealed its second planned acquisition as an independent company. It signed an agreement to acquire Caption Health, which developed AI-enabled guidance software for ultrasound imaging. Karley Yoder,…

Indonesia: A Digital Revolution in Healthcare

HIMSS - (Friday February 24, 2023)
HIMSS/ Videos

A digital revolution is happening in Indonesia’s healthcare scene. With the HIMSS22 Asia-Pacific Conference happening in Bali on 27 & 28 September this year, HIMSS spoke with key stakeholders in Indonesia’s healthcare ecosystem. Find…

ONC Health IT Certification Program Developer Roundtable

Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT/ Videos

Join the ONC Health IT Certification Program for the upcoming quarterly ONC Health IT Certification Program Developer Roundtable. These public meetings are open to all health IT developers, regardless of their participation in…

Chartis launches new Center for Burnout Solutions

Healthcare IT news - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ Healthcare IT News

The Chartis Group this week, announced its new Chartis Center for Burnout Solutions, developed with recently-acquired DES Health Consulting.WHY IT MATTERSDES works with hospitals and health systems to address the root causes of burnout,…

ChatCPT, CIO Easy Button, Zoom Setup, and Hospital Discharge – Fun Friday

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday February 24, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Happy Friday!  We hope you had a great week and are ready for an even better weekend.  It’s time again for another edition of Fun Friday where we offer something fun that will hopefully…

How Technology is Enabling Clinical Labs to Become Profit Centers

MedCity News - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ MedCity News

While most people don’t choose a healthcare career to drive profits, many soon realize that it’s impossible to support high-quality care without having a clear understanding of the financial realities of the business. This…

Clevermed and its BadgerNet Solution Join the System C Family

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

System C acquires leading health tech business, Clevermed 
Edinburgh-based Clevermed, the pioneering health tech company, today confirmed its acquisition by System C, one of the UK’s leading providers of hospital-wide software for the NHS. The…

333 – Setting up your medical practice for success. Jerry Kennard, Evoke Projects

Talking HealthTech - (Friday February 24, 2023)
Podcasts/ Talking HealthTech

Do you believe that we are currently living in a peculiar time in which everything used to take place in person, then it all shifted to taking place virtually, and now we are kind…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.