

How Redox is Future-Proofing Healthcare Data as Interoperability Standards Evolve – MedCity News

MedCity News - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Frequent Updates/ MedCity News

The push for healthcare initiatives including value-based care and AI requires robust data sharing and timely access to healthcare data. This is an area in which Redox is well-versed. Since its founding in 2014,…

AI Tools Transform Emergency Room Healthcare Efficiency

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

Revolutionary AI Solutions Combat Emergency Room Burnout
Emergency medicine clinicians face a staggering 63% burnout rate, the highest among all medical specialties, according to WebMD’s MedScape survey. To address this crisis, Abridge has introduced groundbreaking…

GE HealthCare’s Voluson Expert Series Revolutionizes Ultrasound

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

Breakthrough in Women’s Healthcare Technology 
GE HealthCare has achieved a significant milestone with FDA 510(k) clearance for their updated Voluson Expert Series ultrasound systems. The series, comprising Voluson Expert 22, 20, and 18, represents a…

RapidAI’s Lumina 3D Revolutionizes Medical Imaging

DistilINFO Hospital IT - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Daily Reads/ DistilINFO Hospital IT

Groundbreaking AI Technology Receives FDA Approval
RapidAI has achieved a significant milestone with FDA 510(k) clearance for their revolutionary Lumina 3D system. This automated 3D imaging reconstruction solution leverages cutting-edge AI technology to replace traditional…

NHSE launches ‘common front door’ into secure data environments

Digital Health - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Digital Health/ Frequent Updates

NHS England has launched a ‘common front door’, in partnership with Health Data Research UK, to give health researchers access to its secure data environment (SDE) network.
The online portal went live at the end…

How Can Tech Help GP Practices? Exploring the Benefits at Digital Health Rewired 2025

Digital Health - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Daily Reads/ Digital Health

Author: Max Gattlin, Director, X-on HealthAs of December 2024, general practice in the UK recorded a staggering 39 million appointments—over 41 million if COVID-19 vaccinations are included—representing the highest monthly total on record. Yet,…

Airedale NHS FT rolls out Careology app to support cancer patients

Digital Health - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Digital Health/ Frequent Updates

L to R: Caroline Salt, Anita Ratcliffe, Pat Dyminski and Holly Gilmore from the cancer team at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (Image provided by Airedale NHS Foundation Trust)

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust has rolled…

3 Strategies for Implementing Multilingual Healthcare Delivery

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Frequent Updates/ HIT Consultant

Lena Petrova, Founder and CEO of Ad Astra

According to the most recent data from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), 29.6 million people in the US identified as having limited English proficiency…

Color Health Report Reveals Gaps in Employer Cancer Benefits

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Digital Health/ Frequent Updates/ HIT Consultant

What You Should Know: 

– Color Health, a provider of precision health solutions released its second annual Employer Insights Report, revealing a disconnect between employer priorities and the reality of cancer care benefits offered to…

Researchers Develop New Tool to Measure Food Noise

HIT Consultant - (Wednesday February 5, 2025)
Digital Health/ Frequent Updates/ HIT Consultant

A woman in a white t-shirt holds a yellow centimeter tape in her hands. The concept of losing weight, gaining weight.

What You Should Know: 

– A new study published in the journal Obesity introduces the…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.