

Bonus Features – November 26, 2023 – 85% of healthcare orgs boosting IT spending in 2024, 70% of orgs actively considering generative AI, plus 18 more stories | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Sunday November 26, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Welcome to the weekly edition of Healthcare IT Today Bonus Features. This article will be a weekly roundup of interesting stories, product announcements, new hires, partnerships, research studies, awards, sales, and more. Because there’s…

What 4 Execs Want People To Know About the Intersection Between the Justice System and Behavioral Health – MedCity News

MedCity News - (Sunday November 26, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ MedCity News

About 44% of people in jail and 37% of people in prison have a mental illness. In addition, 63% of people in jail and 58% of people in prison have a substance use disorder….

Weekly Roundup – November 25, 2023 | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Saturday November 25, 2023)
Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Welcome to our Healthcare IT Today Weekly Roundup. Each week, we’ll be providing a look back at the articles we posted and why they’re important to the healthcare IT community. We hope this gives…

Implementing quality management systems to close the AI translation gap and facilitate safe, ethical, and effective health AI solutions

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 25, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ npj Digital Medicine

The integration of Quality Management System (QMS) principles into the life cycle of development, deployment, and utilization of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within healthcare settings holds the potential to close…

An explainable machine learning-based phenomapping strategy for adaptive predictive enrichment in randomized clinical trials

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 25, 2023)
AI/ Frequent Updates/ npj Digital Medicine

Randomized clinical trials (RCT) represent the cornerstone of evidence-based medicine but are resource-intensive. We propose and evaluate a machine learning (ML) strategy of adaptive predictive enrichment through computational trial phenomaps to optimize RCT enrollment….

Digital health application integrating wearable data and behavioral patterns improves metabolic health

npj Digital Medicine - (Saturday November 25, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ npj Digital Medicine

The effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in reducing caloric intake and increasing physical activity for preventing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) has been previously demonstrated. The use of modern technologies can potentially further improve the success…

Telemedicine: The Long-Term Solution to Physician Shortages and Specialty Coverage

eHealth Radio Network - (Saturday November 25, 2023)
eHealth Radio Network/ Podcasts


Jason Povio, the President and COO for Eagle Telemedicine, the leader in technology-enabled, inpatient care for sustainable healthcare resilience again joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric…

Real-Time Clinical Note Generation from Mutuo Health Solutions | Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday November 24, 2023)
AI/ Daily Reads/ Healthcare IT Today

Mutuo Health Solutions serves the Canadian market with automated clinical note generation (ambient clinical voice as it is often called), and plans to enter the U.S. market or international markets are in the works….

Real-Time Clinical Note Generation from Mutuo Health Solutions

Healthcare IT Today - (Friday November 24, 2023)
Healthcare IT Today/ Videos

Mutuo Health Solutions serves the Canadian market with automated clinical note generation (ambient clinical voice as it is often called), and plans to enter the U.S. market or international markets are in the works….

The Most Popular Commercial Weight Management Apps in the Chinese App Store: Analysis of Quality, Features, and Behavior Change Techniques

JMIR mHealth and uHealth - (Friday November 24, 2023)
Frequent Updates/ JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Background: Many smartphone apps designed to assist individuals in managing their weight are accessible, but the assessment of app quality and features has predominantly taken place in Western countries. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity…

I am an experienced healthcare executive with over 15 years of deep clinical and informatics expertise in the design, development, implementation and support of complex healthcare solutions. Beginning my career as a cardiologist, I understand the needs of clinicians and the nature of their work.