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Staying up to date with all things Health Tech isn’t an easy task. There is a lot of great content out there but finding it in different websites, podcasts, video channels and newsfeeds is a big undertaking. Keeping an eye on all the recent updates is also very inconvenient.
MediFormatica finds the best sources of Health Technology / Informatics content from around the internet and aggregates them in one place. All content is attributed to its original authors.
ediFormatica on Social Media.
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For the selective ones; you can follow our RSS Newfeeds
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In this case you can select the content providers you want to add to your reader. At the top and bottom of every post we provide links to the Author’s website. Get the RSS link from there and add it to your reader.
MediFormatica will also syndicate all the posts as soon as they get published. We provide a few selective lists for Newsfeed readers.