MediFormatica Daily Digest – Monday, April 10, 2023 – (8 posts)

In todays fast-paced world, it is easy to miss out on important information, especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of different sources. That is where the daily digest comes in – it is a tool that compiles all the posts created on the previous day, providing you with a convenient summary of everything that happened so you can stay informed, educated, and engaged with the Digital Health world around you.

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Why Federally Mandated Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances will Benefit Public Health

Why Federally Mandated Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances will Benefit Public Health

Although 2022 has brought on a greater sense of normalcy, the past few years have distracted us from one of the most overlooked epidemics plaguing healthcare: prescription drug abuse.
Before Covid-19 diverted attention away from this problem, President Trump signed on to the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act of 2018, instating sweeping legislation for initiatives to address the opioid epidemic. The bill, among other initiatives, requires electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) for any covered part D drug. Although the official start of the mandate was delayed two years to January 1, 2023, the importance of this federal intervention cannot be…

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Missouri drug monitoring program taps Bamboo Health for operations

Missouri drug monitoring program taps Bamboo Health for operations

Every state but Missouri has operated a statewide prescription drug monitoring program for years. Now, the Show-Me state has come around to see the value of more advanced tracking controlled substances among registered providers.WHY IT MATTERS
Bamboo Health, which develops technologies for behavioral health and substance use disorders, says it will transition the existing Saint Louis County PDMP, which covers about 85% of the state, to a new statewide PDMP – without a complicated data migration process.
The state of Missouri will pay $1.4 million to operate Missouri’s new statewide PDMP, which will absorb the county’s data, according to a report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 

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