2022 Tech Forum: Real World Implementations and Innovation Through LEAP in Health IT

2022 Tech Forum: Real World Implementations and Innovation Through LEAP in Health IT

September 16, 2022The LEAP in Health IT Program seeks to address emerging challenges that inhibit the advancement of interoperable health IT. This session will feature speakers from three LEAP projects, sharing implementation strategies and the innovative approaches awardees are using to promote data exchange, patient engagement, and semantic data harmonization.   Alison Kemp, MPH, ONC (Moderator) Wei Chang, MPH, ONC (Moderator) Angie Brenner, Missouri Department of Mental Health Anjum Khurshid, MD, PhD, University of Texas at Austin Eliel Oliveira, University of Texas at Austin Wilson D. Pace, MD, FAAFP, DARTNet Institute Burak Serdar, Cloud Privacy Labs Duane Shumate, Missouri Department of Mental Health…

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