What are Regulatory Compliances for #Healthcare #Products? || EMed #HealthTech

What are Regulatory Compliances for #Healthcare #Products? || EMed #HealthTech

As in every industry, the healthcare industry is also ruled by certain regulations that determine what is legal and illegal. Every country has certain regulations the healthcare industry needs to follow while implementing healthcare #software #solutions. Here are 6 major healthcare #regulations :1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act #HIPAA -…

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6 Types of Custom #Healthcare #Software || EMed HealthTech

6 Types of Custom #Healthcare #Software || EMed HealthTech

#EMed #HealthTech as a leading healthcare software development company offers custom healthcare IT services including designing, developing, and testing to lead a #digital #transformation in the healthcare industry.Here are the few types of #custom healthcare software we can develop:- #Hospital Management Software- #EHR & #EMR Software- Practice Management Software- #Telehealth &…

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