What Are The Challenges Expected to be Faced by Healthcare in 2023?

What Are The Challenges Expected to be Faced by Healthcare in 2023?

Healthcare is an ever-evolving industry, and as we move into 2023, there are a number of challenges are expected to arise.
The economy is already headed toward recession, and experts have made it quite clear that this year will be the most difficult one for the global economy.
Image credit: BBC
Inflation in the US is already touching its highest pick ever and Eventually, this will have an impact on the healthcare sector as well. Since healthcare is one of the major economic contributors.
Therefore, it is clear that healthcare would experience some significant difficulties in 2023.
However, healthcare providers must be ready…

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Addressing Evolving Health Information Technology Needs in Pediatric Care: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Informational Resource (IR)

Addressing Evolving Health Information Technology Needs in Pediatric Care: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Informational Resource (IR)

Hot off the presses, the Pediatric Health Information Technology: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Informational Resource (NAS IR) [PDF – 808 KB] is a new resource from ONC to support pediatric care and practice settings specific to neonatal abstinence syndrome. The NAS IR builds upon prior efforts included in the ONC Pediatric Health Information Technology Informational Resources (IR) for health IT developers and for health care providers, and includes information about the implementation of health IT and its use as part of delivering health care to infants experiencing withdrawal after maternal exposure to opioids and other substances during pregnancy. This is the third…

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