Johns Hopkins AI models predict ICU delirium risk

Johns Hopkins AI models predict ICU delirium risk

Two dynamic analytics models developed at Johns Hopkins University predicted delirium-prone patients when tested on two datasets drawn from 100,000 stays at a Boston hospital’s intensive care unit, according to new research.WHY IT MATTERS
Delirium – sudden bouts of confusion, inattention, paranoia, agitation and hallucinations – can put patients at higher risk of prolonged hospitalization, future dementia and death. By forecasting delirium, alerted clinicians could apply countermeasures that can mitigate adverse outcomes, according to the premise of artificial intelligence research published in Anesthesiology. 
“For a lot of these physiological transitions, we think that there are early warning signs that may not be obvious…

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Top EHR Vendors 2023 – Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts/Veradigm

Top EHR Vendors 2023 – Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts/Veradigm

Here is where we will explore the top EHR vendors, focusing on those who specialize in either enterprise wide systems, or electronic health records for physician practice offices. Since one of the goals of this site is to help people who are starting in healthcare IT, I’ve tried to find out if the vendors have intern or apprenticeship programs.There are many more vendors in specialty areas, such as lab, pharmacy, materials management, consulting, and medical devices that can be found on this resource of healthcare IT companies.
Allscripts (Veradigm)
Allscripts is a publicly traded provider of practice management, EHR and financial management systems…

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