MediFormatica Daily Digest – Thursday, April 13, 2023 – (34 posts)

In todays fast-paced world, it is easy to miss out on important information, especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of different sources. That is where the daily digest comes in – it is a tool that compiles all the posts created on the previous day, providing you with a convenient summary of everything that happened so you can stay informed, educated, and engaged with the Digital Health world around you.

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MediFormatica Daily Digest – Saturday, April 8, 2023 – (34 posts)

In todays fast-paced world, it is easy to miss out on important information, especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of different sources. That is where the daily digest comes in – it is a tool that compiles all the posts created on the previous day, providing you with a convenient summary of everything that happened so you can stay informed, educated, and engaged with the Digital Health world around you.

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Associations Between Social Cognitive Determinants and Movement-Related Behaviors in Studies Using Ecological Momentary Assessment Methods: Systematic Review

Associations Between Social Cognitive Determinants and Movement-Related Behaviors in Studies Using Ecological Momentary Assessment Methods: Systematic Review

Background: The social cognitive framework is a long-standing framework within physical activity promotion literature to explain and predict movement-related behaviors. However, applications of the social cognitive framework to explain and predict movement-related behaviors have…

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MediFormatica Daily Digest – Friday, April 7, 2023 – (37 posts)

In todays fast-paced world, it is easy to miss out on important information, especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of different sources. That is where the daily digest comes in – it is a tool that compiles all the posts created on the previous day, providing you with a convenient summary of everything that happened so you can stay informed, educated, and engaged with the Digital Health world around you.

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