AI can be a big help to healthcare workers, but there are legal issues to consider

AI can be a big help to healthcare workers, but there are legal issues to consider

As burnout among healthcare workers continues to be a major concern, the use of artificial intelligence, EHRs and other automation tools may be able to have a positive impact on hospitals and health systems.When it comes to artificial intelligence, some legal issues arise. That’s why we interviewed Carly Koza, an authority on this topic and Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney associate. Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney is a national law firm with 450 attorneys and government relations professionals across 15 offices representing companies including 50 of the Fortune 100.
Koza discusses what healthcare provider organizations should prepare for when it comes to growing AI…

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Where Are All the Patients?

Where Are All the Patients?

It’s no secret that patient enrollment is one of clinical research’s biggest hurdles. According to an analysis of trials listed, 55% of terminated trials were ended because of low patient enrollment. The analysis also reported that Phase III and Phase IV trials have an enrollment efficiency of less than 40%. Yet another analysis found more than 80% of studies do not enroll on time, often leading to a study extension or additional research sites.
The problem isn’t just enrollment, it’s also the enrollment of diverse patients. Racial and ethnic minorities, specifically Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous and Native American, Asian, Native…

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Why NLP can only succeed in healthcare if it caters to caregivers

Why NLP can only succeed in healthcare if it caters to caregivers

Natural language processing, or NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machine understanding of human language. In recent years, NLP has become part of consumer products and performs with a sometimes surprising degree of accuracy.Virtual assistants use NLP to understand spoken questions like, “What’s the weather like today?” They can contextualize the meaning of the question, and then use data from online sources to reply with a meaningful response.
Medical NLP has long been a topic of research and development, since it contains significant potential for uncovering meaningful insights from unstructured medical text. This presents huge opportunities for healthcare providers, clinical…

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2022 Tech Forum: Availability of SDOH & Health Equity Related Data & Implications for Public Health

2022 Tech Forum: Availability of SDOH & Health Equity Related Data & Implications for Public Health

September 16, 2022This session will demonstrate how social determinants of health (SDOH) and health equity related data are collected and used in clinical notes and discuss the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for extracting these data from electronic health record systems. The session will also include discussion around SDOH, health equity, and public health use cases and how they can be used with NLP.  JaWanna Henry, MPH, MCHES, ONC (Moderator) Catherine DesRoches, DrPH, Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Elizabeth Shenkman, PhD, University of Florida Chelsea Richwine, PhD, ONCYonghui Wu, PhD, University of Florida…

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